Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pad Thai & Harry Potter

Last night, Jeremy and I decided to have dinner and watch a movie since we hadn't done that in a while. So we dropped Jaiden off to my mums (since it was her day to babysit - it's becoming a ritual every week now).

So anyway, once we got to the joint, we ordered Pad Thai on the go (to eat in the movies lol) and lined up to get our tickets. Luckily it was a Sunday night and a late viewing, which meant there was hardly anyone there, there were probably more or less than 10 people in the cinema and we were in the X-treme screen.

I thought the movie was so great! Harry Potter movies never disappoint me. I found it to be spontaneous, a little scary in some bits and it was most definitely appealing to my eyes, every second of it. I can't wait for the next part of it, though I don't like the thought of it being the last movie ever :(

Once I got home, I started to miss Jaiden, his absence is starting to grow more each time he's away and gets babysat. But I know Jaiden feels 10x worst than I do.. which is a little bad in a way because then it gets harder to leave him with other people when I want to just be alone or go out... that's a different story.

But anyway, once I saw my bed, I immediately layed down and dosed off. I slept in until 10:30AM this morning, still a little tired but forced myself out of bed because it was getting late. And I must say, it was a much needed sleep-in! I get so exhausted everyday, I don't even know why.
Glad I had the catch up of sleep that I truly needed.

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