Monday, November 29, 2010


During the week, my close friend Kaecee was telling me that she was going out on Saturday for a little date with her finace to celebrate their 2.5years but had to take their little girl, also my god-daughter Aurora. So I offered to babysit, considering I know how much they needed to have their alone time without their kids. So Kaecee also asked her twin Stacee to help me out since I'll be having Jaiden with me too and she said yes.

Saturday came and when we arrived Jaiden was already asleep so I just had to lay him on the bed and take care of Aurora. I had to bribe her with chocolate mint slices to get her away from the front door because she knew her parents were going away. It was so cute! She was literally hugging the door lol. But once I got her away from there and out of her parents sight, I quickly told them to run out of the door before she notices.

She ended up noticing after a little bit and started to cry and whine. Then I gave her more bites of the biscuit she took earlier and I put on Toy Story 3 for her to watch, we sat on the couch with her in my lap and me hugging her then she fell asleep! I was surprised because she never sleeps that early in the afternoon (as what Kaecee told me). I tried to have a nap aswell because I was still pretty drained from going out the night before and only having 5h sleep.


30 minutes later, Stacee arrived and eventually woke Aurora up because she was so loud LOL then Jaiden ended up waking up too. So they were both in the lounge and started playing around a little and eating, scabbing food from us and handing it each other to eat lol so cute! They continued to watch Toy Story 3 and to my surprise, Jaiden was actually interested and watching! He's never like that with movies apart from The Lion King. They just continued to play throughout the day, watched The Lion King and Hercules (cartoon), ate, drank and took several naps in between. 

Then at around 11PM, Kaecee and John arrived after picking their son up from John's mums house and came home with goodies for the kids and macaroons for me to taste! The first time I ever tasted them and it was sooo good! I am definitely going to get myself some next time I'm in town. Thanks Kace!

Then it was home time all of us! But clubbing/work for Stacee lol. I didn't end up sleeping until around after 2AM because Jeremy was out with his friends and I wanted to wait up but couldn't resist sleep and eventually conked out lol.

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