Friday, October 15, 2010


Today I went to the other place to paint our new room while Jeremy went around to his friends houses to put invites for Jaiden's party in their mailboxes.

I started the day on an empty stomach so I was pretty much slow on painting the walls and I did it all by myself, with no help but I guess that was okay. I reckon I could've done it that little bit faster if Jeremy had only agreed to get me some Starbucks before starting but instead came back 3 hours later when I had to finish up with food.

But anyway, here are some progression photos

The blue is specifically painted to be become a feature wall. So the others are a peachy colour. Though it looks creamy in the photo's. I can't wait until everything will be in place and furnished. I can go hard out on the decor stuff. My favourite! How exciting =P

Home time!
Aftermath of my hands

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